Groeninghehof apartments Kortrijk

Competition project for an urban residential project with 33 apartments

The demolition of the Sint-Vincentius Hospital creates the opportunity to expand the Begijnhofpark (Beguinage Park) on the one hand, but also to create new sightlines between the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk (Church of Our Lady), the Beguinage and Abby, the new museum of contemporary art in Kortrijk.
At the same time, a large wasteland is created, one looks from the park onto the inferior rear facades of Groeningestraat and the park loses a clear urbanistic form, due to the disappearance of the buildings as park façade.
A new volume is an urbanistic necessity. By building on the vacant site with a new residential project, consisting of both private and social housing, good order is restored.

The volumetrics are determined by several successive interventions. The ground plan consists of an S-shape, which gives space to the existing red beech tree and also allows two outdoor spaces to be created. The red beech tree is surrounded by an extrovert outdoor space adjacent to the park. At the same time, an introverted outdoor space is created in the inner area.
Moreover, the volume is orthogonally fragmented and plays with height differences, creating a fragmented volume that inscribes itself within the small urbanistic grain of its surroundings. Different materials are used for each sub-volume to enhance this effect. A subtle plinth on the ground floor and gabled roofs complete the volumetric exercise, maximising the project's insertion into the existing context. As if it has always been there.

In total, a diverse housing offer of 33 residential units will be provided. All flats are spacious, have a large, south-facing terrace and enjoy unparalleled views of the Begijnhofpark (Beguinage Park).

The Groeningestraat 34 building will be demolished to make way for a bridge house, which will give access at ground level to the underground car park. Because of its heritage value, the town house Groeningestraat 20 will be kept in one hand and restored as office space for an SME or coworking project.